Lost in the Garden GmbH
Based in Vienna, Austria
Founding date:
February 9, 2016
Press / Business Contact:
Lightfield Hyper Edition
Gartengasse 28/12A
1050 Wien
+43 1 231 48 09
We are an independent games studio in Vienna, Austria. In September 2017 we released our debut title "LIGHTFIELD" on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and are currently working on the extendd "HYPER Edition" to be released on Steam as well as consoles in Q3/18.
First StepsThe studio was founded around our first project "Lightfield", a hyperfuturistic, omnidirectional racing game. It all started as a weekend prototype that we then developed further into a more elaborate prototype and finally into a full console game project.
Founding Lost in the GardenWith the prototype at hand, we applied for and received development funding from the Vienna Business Agency. Funding that finally allowed us to move ahead with our plans and to start our own studio. We bought our first coffee machine, moved into our first office and started working on our own hyperfuture. We are a team of four, split evenly between the tech and arts department. We have a background in 3D, VFX, interactive media, art and games and at Lost in the Garden, it is our goal to create games that are interesting both to us and to our audience. The games we like are expressive both artistically and in desing and interaction. We founded our studio as the place where we wanted to work that allows us to persue our projects independently and to achieve a work life balance that provides us with the creativity and serendipidy to create new and interesting projects.
Supporting the Local CommunityBesides working on our own projects, we are also deeply invested in the local game development scene here in Vienna. Over the last decade, the scene in Vienna has been growing steadily and we tried our best to contribute in parts by rebooting the then dormant IGDA Vienna chapter, co-founding a non profit association to advance the local games sector and co-founding the Central European Games Conference. Additionally we co-organised more than 15 game jams in many different locations from public schools and universities, to large companies or in a closed down and revived factory. We try our best to support others in and outside of our medium and are always happy to share our knowledge and experience individually or through talks and presentations.
Line WobblerOh, and Matthias, our programmer, together with Robin Baumgartner created the initial prototype of the "Line Wobbler" somewhere at the Danish countryside back in 2014. (http://aipanic.com/projects/wobbler)
Lightfield HYPER Edition Official Trailer YouTube
LIGHTFIELD Official Trailer YouTube
LIGHTFIELD platform reveal PS4 XB1 YouTube
LIGHTFIELD gameplay trailer YouTube
There are far more images available for Lost in the Garden GmbH, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "Indie Price, Winner Best Multiplayer" - Casual Connect, Berlin 2017
- "The MIX, official selection" - GDC, San Francisco 2017
- "Indie MEGABOOTH, official selection" - GDC, San Francisco 2017
- "ZIT content pitch, winner" - Vienna, Austria, 2014
- "SUBOTRON Live Pitch, finalist" - Vienna, Austria, 20 October, 2014
Selected Articles
- "Lightfield Is More Than A Wipeout-Style Throwback"
- Graham Smith, Rock Paper Shotgun
Additional Links
Lost in the Garden is supported by development funding from Vienna Business Agency
Vienna Business Agency viennabusinessagency.at.
Follow Matthias' private twitter account. twitter.com.
Follow Simon's private twitter account. twitter.com.
Team & Repeating Collaborators
Matthias Maschek
Development, Technology
Julia Murczek
Technical Art, Production, CEO
Raimund Schumacher
Creative Director
Simon Wallner
Game Design, Biz and PR, CEO
Press releases and announcements sign up
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks